About Iteca
Iteca LLP

Iteca’s events are officially supported by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Populations, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other special ministries and committees of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional/city Akimats (Administrations) and industry associations.
The company works in close long-term cooperation with national companies such as JSC “NC“KazMunayGas”, JSC “Kazakhstan company on management of electric networks”, “KEGOC”, JSC “NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” and many others.The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) has awarded the UFI Approved Event mark to eleven Iteca exhibitions:
KIOGE (Oil&Gas), KazBuild and AstanaBuild (Construction), Mining and Metals Central Asia and Astana Mining & Metallurgy (Mining equipment, Mining equipment, mining and concentration of ores and minerals), FoodExpo Qazaqstan (Food industry), AgroWorld Kazakhstan (Agriculture), KITF (Tourism and Travels), KIHE and AstanaZdorovie (Healthcare), Powerexpo Kazakhstan (Power engineering, electrical engineering and machine building).
The “UFI Approved Event” sign indicates a high organizational level of events, their impact on business development and industry formation, and also confirms the reliability of statistics.
Iteca Almaty
- Address : 8th floor, C block, World Trade Center Almaty 42, Timiryazev Str., Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Postcode : 050057
- Phone : +7 7272 58 34 34
- E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- WWW : www.iteca.kz
- The Office on the map